Do I Want Software or Hardware Encoder Settings Obs

Live streaming

Hardware vs. software encoding: Which is all-time for your projection?

January twelfth, 2022 Michael Monette

Hardware vs. software encoding: Which is best for your project? image

You've run across the inevitable question of hardware vs. software encoding: whether you should employ a software application or a dedicated appliance for video encoding. It's a question with big implications for your workflows, your budget, your prospects of success. So it's no surprise if it's a question you lot face with some trepidation.

A good agreement of the pros and cons of each encoding method is key to making the all-time choice for you, your team, and your clients. This web log will give you lot that agreement and then you can confidently decide between hardware encoding and software encoding for whatever project.


    Video encoding 101

    "Software encoder" and "hardware encoder" can mean different things to different people. For that reason, let's clarify what nosotros mean here to meliorate understand the question of hardware vs. software encoding:

    • A software encoder is a streaming or recording awarding that works on a general-purpose calculator running an operating system similar Windows or macOS. Streaming software like OBS Studio, vMix, and Streamlabs are a few popular examples.
    • A hardware encoder is a standalone appliance that's purpose-built for live streaming and video recording. Epiphan Pearl-two, Pearl Mini, and Pearl Nano are a few such devices on the market.

    With that cleared upwardly, let'south dive into the differences between these ii types of encoders.

    Pearl family: All-in-one video capture solution

    Hardware encoders you can trust to perform

    Power your productions with Pearl systems, which support a broad range of streaming protocols and are accessible anywhere there's an Cyberspace connectedness through Epiphan Deject.

    Notice Epiphan solutions

    Option ane: Software encoding

    Probably the biggest plus in favor of software encoding is availability. Chances are you already have most of what you demand to record or stream out video via software: a laptop or desktop figurer, a webcam, and a born or external microphone. All that's missing from that list is the application. In the example of an open-source software solution like OBS, that comes at no cost.

    Speaking of cost, that's another advantage of software encoding – some of the time. Information technology's often the more frugal selection for casual, low-pressure productions (and if you're producing ane of those, be certain to bank check out or blog on the all-time webcams for streaming). But if we're talking about a professional production where video quality is paramount and multiple cameras are involved, that'southward where this signal gets a little muddy. To lucifer the performance of a hardware encoder out of the box, you could hands spend as much or more than in upgrades and add-ons to your software streaming rig (similar HDMI to USB adapters).

    Option 2: Hardware encoding

    Hardware encoders prepare the bar pretty loftier over software-based setups. The advantages they bring are often essential for professional-level productions, or if your goal is to create broadcast-quality videos or live streams that are certain to print and engage.

    Where exactly do hardware encoders accept an edge? In four fundamental areas:

    • Performance
    • Flexibility
    • Reliability
    • Serviceability

    Hardware encoders offering better performance

    A hardware encoder will more often than not run more smoothly than a calculator congenital with full general-purpose parts. This is especially truthful when it comes to handling multiple high-end sources or when you're sending content to multiple streaming platforms (e.g., YouTube, Facebook Live, and LinkedIn Alive all at once). That's because hardware encoders are tailor-made for streaming and recording. Every component within was handpicked or designed specifically for the task, and every bit of processing power is dedicated to it.

    Also, the underlying software is fine-tuned for live streaming and recording, which is possible because at that place's no demand for a hardware encoder to practice anything else.

    Hardware encoders are more flexible out of the box

    Well-nigh hardware encoders sport multiple video inputs that allow you lot direct connect mirrorless cameras, camcorders, and other loftier-end equipment. The same goes for sound: on some appliances, y'all'll fifty-fifty detect inputs for professional audio devices (i.eastward., XLR, TRS).

    With inputs built right into your video encoder, it'south far easier to create professional-quality video. On the other hand, software-encoder setups tend to be limited to USB. That ways you lot're stuck using webcams and microphones that simply aren't suitable for professional person contexts.

    Of class, you can purchase capture cards to bring not-USB signals into your computer and a front end-stop audio interface to utilise professional audio gear. Only this adds more components and cables, and each ane is a potential signal of failure. It also complicates setup and teardown, and it means more than things to keep track of and perhaps lose during travel.

    Hardware encoders are more reliable

    Imagine this: you're at the captain of a major product. Everything is humming along when, of a sudden, the screen turns a deep blue and you're faced with a horrifying message: "A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer."

    This isn't an event reserved for an AV pro's nightmares. Information technology'southward a very existent possibility when using a software encoder. That'south because in that location's a host of other processes and programs running aslope your streaming awarding, driving up your CPU usage and sporting agendas of their own. The dreaded bulletin that interrupts your product could but besides be an OS update or an anti-virus pop-up.

    Compare this to a hardware encoder, which is congenital from the ground up for streaming and recording. The same goes for the underlying software, which ways at that place are no competing or extraneous processes. That'southward non to say hardware encoders never feel hiccups, simply it'due south far less likely.

    Hardware encoders are easier to service

    Take you lot ever had this experience? You run into a glitch with some estimator software, so you pick up the phone and punch the vendor'southward client support line. The vendor says the culprit is a part in your computer, Component A. You call up the manufacturer of Component A, and they say the problem is actually Component B. You telephone the maker of Component B, and, of course, they point the finger at Component A.

    It's a frustrating circle to be stuck in, and you tin can avoid it completely with a hardware encoder. Reason existence, hardware encoders are designed and assembled past a unmarried manufacturer who acts as your one point of contact. This makes getting your system repaired or replaced a relatively hurting-gratuitous procedure.

    Hardware vs. software encoding: Which is better?

    To sum up: software encoders are only suitable for low-pressure productions. For professional person broadcasts, or if your goal is to wow your audience with high-quality video and audio, y'all'll want a dedicated apparatus treatment your encoding.

    And if you're in the market for a hardware encoder for your live video streaming, we've got you covered. Our Pearl family unit of hardware encoders are durable, like shooting fish in a barrel to utilize, and rigorously tested for long-term reliability. Check out our Pearl system compare folio for more than details. Also take a wait at a couple of our other blogs to acquire why Pearl systems make the all-time YouTube live stream encoders, and why Pearl Nano is the best SRT encoder for remote guests.

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